Friday, October 2, 2015

Treats All Around

PRESS START IS IN MY HANDS! 100 books from TLAC and I love how they came out. I learned so much about printing a book and laying it out after Gardenia 3 years ago.Like how bleed works,how to number your pages and why exactly CYMK is best for pro printers to have. Self printing a book is a LOT of work and I am glad I got the chance to make this investment in a pro company. Printing is still pretty expensive,even if you go to Staples and have a long arm stapler or print at home(ink cartridge replacements). Have no idea when I'll print my next book but this is more of a once a year thing. This was also a small print run. I've heard podcast people and others say they get 1,000 books! Thats the dream,yo!

Speaking of prints I made some new ones for Canzine & Toronto Queerzine. 

These are cleaned up art for some tattoo ideas I did inspired by my Gran and Moms zodiac signs and favorite creatures. I added the sugar skulls to include my interest of the after life. I used reference from a book I have about how to love a lady published in the 1800's I found at Goodwill. So basically a lot of my heart is in these drawings. They will be made black and white soon so I can get them tattooed on each of my shoulders. 

The Invisible is yet another drawing I've redone at least 3 times now since 2009. The first chunk of my life I spent feeling like a ghost. I wasn't good at speaking because I was very shy and I still suffer from it. When the society you grow up in is fixed on Social Darwinism it's no wonder I still have issues with "fitting in". Thanks to the wiki for the symbolism of the blue rose I now know that it's a symbol of attaining the impossible. In my case it was being able to work on my social anxiety. The Siamese cat was kept in for my partner. It's his favorite cat pattern. 

Toronto Comic Jam did an interview and feature with me. I feel very homered that I got to be featured along with 5 pages of Gardenia in there too. I try to go out to the monthly event but the SA and getting bogged down in work kinda hinders that. 

I did do some panels while I went this last month.

Finally here is a WIP preview of the cover for Gardenia. Need to add the title and other versions of Rae's look but here it is. 

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