Monday, April 20, 2015


HELLO! It's been so long since I last blogged at all. It's been a very crazy end of the year and beginning of a new one.  I quit Goodwill because I moved to Toronto with my now husband for his job. I can't believe how many times I've said that since November. O_O 

We've been getting settled and quite fast if I do say so. I've done more here in 5-ish months that I did in a lifetime in LA. It could be my age, it could be that LA was strangling me...who knows. 

I had a job at a theater for a little while,that was fun. I got to be an opening person ALL BY MY SELF. Oh the responsibility. I got a second job at some call center place that turned out to be bullshit.(I quit) I got a volunteer job at The Kitchen Library where I am well..a librarian of kitchen equipment. I feel very smart,lol. I am also doing some layout work for them too. 

From there I got a job as a teacher at Skill Tree Toronto. I'll be starting Saturday! I know that it may be a small turn out but I hope it's a turn out at all. It's just the first session. It's also my first class solo. I've always gravitated towards being a teacher while in classes. I'm always the one to help someone,I like asking questions too and encouraging people to keep going. I also always ask if the person wants help/critique. It can be upsetting coming out of nowhere. Especially to the high school people I did a few lectures with. A wise teacher of mine once said that the hard workers will surpass the naturally talented if they get too cocky.  I made this flier for the event. Please share if you live in Toronto or know someone there.  ^_^  It's a big help. Just click the flier for the link.                                                                                 I've also got a secret freelance job working with my friend Deb on her book series. Go look at her page! DL Warner

Next I've been working on Social Hangover since October. That is 6 moths,yay me! I've taken a small therapy exercise and turned it into a weekly comic,thanks to my college therapist. If he ever sees this I hope he's proud. Though I know we have that confidentiality thing so I wont say his name. New pages every Monday by the way. click the pic of me freaking out

New project I'm working on at the moment is Press Start. It's been a challenge more than I thought. It's on me because I have this idea for it thats a different kind of page layout than I'm used to. It's kind of full page spread and journal comic feel with limited panel boxes. It'll also be in color for the PDF of it but black and white for the mini run I do to distribute in local stores. Gotta test the print waters. 
 I am very into Steven Universe and started making gemsonnas. From that I got this idea to make this series of 3 metaphysical representations of my mental health state. Only 2 so far but I'm doing it in between comics. 

Lastly I've made a Patreon! I didn't make it to follow everyone else like some videos I seen for the Patreons. (If you don't want one don't make one and complain on the video,WTF)  I make work all the time,so much so that I have folders and folders of ideas for future works. Literally folders of reference images,concept sketches,character designs,turn arounds,color tests,animation tests and soooooooo much more. I am READY to start on any one of them at any moment. More pile up every day. I'm going to make them anyway but having the love and support will make it much less stressful.

We all know I suck at retail jobs. From wearing wigs to get them,having to be in uniform and trying not to punch a rude customer it's the kind of thing that will end in death. Mine or a customers,who knows. I try to get freelance when I can. I apply to studios and do con visits when I can but the latter gets expensive. (prints,registration,food for the day travel,ect.) If you can help me out and have like $1 a month I'll be posting art like crazy. I promise to fill your book shelves or just your hard drives with joy and adventures.And porn for those who want to see Sexposition one day.(My smutty sketchbook of all the series I have and some fanart heeheehee)

I'll be making a new video for it soon. The first one is good but I want it to be the best at getting my point across.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE your characters. im sorta new at blogger, and you are SO much better at drawing tHen i AM

Kittie Cakes said...

Thanks! Oh well hello then! Being new is a fun thing too. ^_^ I've been drawing for ore than 10 years now so don't feel bad. I still feel like I suck.