Saturday, April 5, 2014

Then and Now: Perspective on change and opportunities

Lets start with some nostalgia. This is my family on my catholic debutante day,or thats what I'd like to call it because it's ridiculous all the same to me;now and at that time. The important thing here though is my family. Looking at it makes it hard to write because like any family we had our problems but I grew up there. There aren't many photos with all of us in one picture but here are the 2 I found while looking over some boxes with my sis. Our gran died in early March from a long sickness. 
This is the drawing I made after her passing. She was a tough woman who loved humming birds and most animals in general.(Not a fan of mice even tho I think they're adorable!) Because of my gran my work ethic is strong and I'm always striving for quality. She once surprised me when she found out an ex had berated me often for my dark skin. When he and I broke up she yelled at him about how dare he ever treat me badly because of my skin color when he was so ugly inside and out. (he really wasn't very cute. She even commented on my current fiance after meeting him "You finally got a cute one!") That is one of the many reasons I like to draw people who look as diverse as possible(being a mixed child also helps). 

A little after her passing, my then boyfriend proposed while we were watching Cosmos. It was obviously a flurry of friends wishing us well and girlfriends starting to plan my wedding right away,lol. If it's not obvious at least my close friends know how private I am about everything unless I'm writing about it in a comic or something. While I appreciate all my friends who reached out to help me plan I was not and still am not getting into it yet. I'm still mourning. Thus this drawing of half and half me. 

This is the preview cover for Gardenia's index cover for the redistribution of book on of Colour Cube . The final one is full color and I wanted to leave that a secret until we publish it later this year. I'm dying to just post it all but we still have a long road to unveiling book one and everything else that goes with our business. Book 2 will also be out later this year,theme Superheros. We have more contributors this time around so we each have a smaller page load. It's more of a challenge but it's worth it to get out there and make the things we want with more creative freedom! 

I always knew I wanted to make comics but it's thrilling and nerve wracking starting a business,especially relying on others as a team. Also didn't know I wanted to focus on multicultural and people of color stories but it's important for me as I've grown as an artist. Every day I'm stuck at my retail job I keep myself motivated by working on more ideas after/before work and on days off. I get motivated by reminding myself that as long as I do what I love one day it'll be my permanent career. Thats something I wish that college did teach,persistence. From what I did get it was all about make a reel and you'll get a job. Not guaranteed of course but learning how to keep going after the first round of rejections or lost opportunities would have been nice. I guess everyone just learns that on their own. 

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