Spring semester is on again! Hooray for in school loan deferment! I have declared a major:Graphic Design. The concealer suggested I ask Art Institute if I could take some classes at my new college to maybe graduate officially but I really don't think that's going to happen as AI is a private school. Even with only 2 classes left (Demo3 & web design class) they wont let me graduate. So 4 years of animation school with no degree to show and now going for an AA in Graphic Design. That is all I can afford at ALL. The last 2 classes at AI were$ 2,000 EACH. I tried in Fall semester to get a job where we all see I fail at retail. It's easy to get discouraged when work is dried up and I'm still fumbling with how to get a studio job. I totally just want some easy post work so I can do my personal work at home after. There is easy post work,it's called roto and PA. I tend to be too indie to pitch to studios so that has never been my goal.

What I am doing in this time off is keep working on comics. So far
Gardenia has 10 pages posted and about 11 to pencil/clean up. Every time I go to do a page I'm really proud that I got something so far. I will finish this no matter what. In fact I will finish as many things as I can. In fact I've started Sugar & Salt with my darling. It's a slice of life comic about our arty lives as a writer & visual artist.
I also made another art for
Sketchpad Wars and here are some progress pictures. Subject:Sunrise/early morning farm with monstrous creatures, Medium: Water colors.
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