Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Doodles with my favorite pen & Bubbline

The Magik Book of Wonderfuls is now the name of my notebook I am always using. Been cleaning it out recently and found many old drawings I didn't know I had and made a few new ones too. And yes I know what spelling of Magic that is,lol.

Well I really hope this isn't some ancient alien symbol of death or something. I was writing some notes and noticed one of my A's looked like this that reminds me of a Star Trek pin so I made one. It's also mirrored after the faerie tale books openings of "Once upon a time". It says "A long story to tell you. Heart throb,soul burn,palm kisses."

Another quick drawing of 2 original characters of mine,Molly & Miles kissing. Miles is a grumpy quarter master who hates kisses. Done while listening to Sex Nerd Sandra episode Kiss and Makeout. There all all kinds of ways to kiss and ways to kiss other people.

These 2 are original characters of mine I had the urge to draw while listening to Jamiroquai "Love Foolosophy" It's my favorite song by him. So catchy! "She shimmers like a California sunset". They are Gil & Polly from my still in progress webcomic The Adventures of Pretzel Girl. They're supposed to be small,she is 15 he is 16. 

Drew this out while listening to Sex Nerd Sandra the episode on "Kissing and Make out". I was dead set against drawing them because of all the hype they get. Also PB is kind of a cunt. I see so much art of them where PB is the shrieking violet,the shy passive one and Marci the aggressive one. When really their personalities are opposite I think. Once I started seeing them that way then I got to wanting to draw them. PB would be a gentelwoman and kiss Marci's hand like a true lady. It's never been about them being two girls but always that it's so over popular and they were portraid with flipped personalities that made me mad. So I fixed it and now we can all be happy I'll draw bubbline sincerely. 

You all should totally check out the links I posted in this. Sex Nerd Sandra is funny & informative, Jamiroquai is a catchy songster and my comic is good if you like cute style people with punky personalities lol. 

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