Monday, December 23, 2013

Winter Break Reflections

It's been a long semester this fall. From August to December last week in fact. Like every semester I don't think much of it beyond being classes I take to defer my loans (if you didn't know you could do that.) In the Spring I had taken oil painting and loved it. This time I took Advanced life drawing and Digital Drawing. 

For some reason I thought the latter was purely an illustration class only to learn it was all illustrator the program based. I was bored to tears the first few weeks because it was a beginner illustrator class. It was uphill right until the final where we got the option to make either a historical self portrait or a 8-10 panel wordless comic. Except for the first project I'm actually happy with the wok I made for this class. The teacher is very into surrealism so all of our projects were pushed in that direction. It was the challenge I didn't know I was looking for.

Coconut Oil jar L to R Normal,Melting,Cracking,Textured
Surreal Los Angeles building Glendale and Broadway

8 panel wordless comic, Lost Reggie
Advanced life drawing class was something I was looking forward to all summer. I thought it would be all one material but I got to work with acrylic,black and white charcoal on gray paper,conte',pastels,crow quill and for the final weeks whatever material I was comfortable with,ball point pen. This much practice with the figure on top of exploring new materials was great. Now I want to make more big scale drawings because of it. 

Red Conte'

Black and White Charcoal on gray paper

Charcoal on canson paper
1) Acrylic on gessoed canson,2)Charcoal on canson,3)Pastel on brown paper

2 separate paintings composite into 1 over 4 weeks acrylic on gessoed canson

Ballpoint pen 

Final drawing ballpoint pen

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