Sunday, November 25, 2012

Red Bubble Arty Party Invasion

Last move of the year for online shops I promise! I didn't need ALL the stuff on zazzle,the html was a bit wonky with my site and this blog so I went with Red Bubble like a fellow character designer at work told me about. I will use Cafe Press for cups tho. I've been a Cafe Press fan since I started selling arts online 5 years ago. ^_^ 

I posted my AT kissing series up. It was inspired by the Sex Nerd Sandra episode on kissing. I love that show and kissing! 

These are some example of the items in my shop now. I also made some more foodie designs and cat jokes. That's a puffy hot cheeto ok all. they are just my favorite chips ever! My friend said he thought it was a hot weenier,lol either one will work. 

These 2 cats here are also on shirts in Kitten Butt redbubble

This cat is based off my baby Donald whom years ago would run from one chair to another in the living room for an hour or so. Thus he is the originator in my house of crazy hour. I think the little booger got captured by a evil neighbor of ours.

This cat is based off my cat Candy whom was so fluffy and loving. She liked to roll in dust when we let her out. She died in a house fire from the smoke. RIP my babygirl. Now I have another calico baby named Kandi in her honor.
Finally one last cat person,ME! This all started because I was drawing a self portrait while waiting on an interview last Wednesday. I didn't get the coffee job but hey I got some cool art out and lots of coffee.
I always seen myself as a calico cat but my friend Herb said I was more like a simi-domestic puffy cat with wild tendencies. Like the cats with the black tipped ears. I later found out they're Maine Coon cats. This is so me for sure. Coffee,army jacket,leggies and weird shirts. 

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